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Video Production

VideoProduction: SampleVideoTreatment

Sample Video Treatment

Pitch / Single Line concept:

A mild mannered vegetarian battles monstrous rubbish bins to clean up the City he lives in as "Captain Marvellous"


Vincent Price


Bruce Campbell


Annette Funicello

Other Group Members:

Bobby Pickett, Ed Bishop, Gabrielle Drake

Working Title:

“Captain Marvellous”

Video Format:

Mini DV Video

Approximate Running Time:

30 minutes

Genre (style):



Young Adults


To inform (recycling/environmental issues) and entertain

In the heart of the big city we see a mild mannered, horn-rimmed bespectacled vegetarian who is always getting pushed around. In times of crisis, however, he dives into a nearby phone booth, restroom, or even behind the bushes to return as Captain Marvellous. In this video, the monster rubbish bins are out to smother humanity in its own debris. Captain Marvellous battles with the monstrous bins. He gets hit with every kind of rubbish imaginable, but he finally triumphs over the evil bins. Captain Marvellous cleans up the city, and we see what types of rubbish can be re-used and recycled in the fight against waste dumping. As he's walking away in victory, a child throws a crisp packet into the street, Captain Marvellous turns to scold the child and gets kicked in the shins to comic effect.

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