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Video Production

VideoProduction: EditingExercises

Editing: Watch and learn exercise

Try watching a movie or just the TV without the sound (you could try this whilst watching a really boring film). This has two effects, firstly it makes you realise how important sound is (especially horror movies, imagine how pretty all those underwater scenes would look without the "Jaws" music). Also it makes you look at the images as just that, a series of images someone has created, you can imagine how they lit a scene a particular way and why, why did they choose to cut from one camera angle to another, does it tell us something or maybe cover something they didn't want us to see or hear?

Paper edit exercise

Equipment; scissors and old magazines, storyboard templates and glue.
Key words; structure, plot point, set up, confrontation, resolution.

Lesson plan (Whole session duration 1 hour)

Introduce the session. The following exercise is aimed at getting people to understand the principles and importance of editing. Either in groups or individually, using images cut out of magazines the group will create an imaginary storyboard.

Duration 5 minutes

Get the group to cut out images.

Duration 10 minutes

Next mix them all up and throw them onto a desk. Now see if they can create a story from the images. Try mixing them up several times, many a good edit has come from happy accidents! From this they can see there may be several ways of getting to a final edit but some will be better than others. Remember, you don't have to show things in the order they happened! Get individuals to tell their stories from their photos. Ask the group to analyse the structure of their story, get them to look at why some aspects work well and others don't. How it could have been told differently? Relate this to the 3 act structure in Chapter 2.

A great alternative to this if the group is confident enough is to get them to tell a personal story, anything at all, a trip to the zoo for example. Get them to decide the 3 act structure, they'll be amazed how good their storytelling techniques already are!

Duration 35 minutes

Summing up of lessons learned and how this applies to editing.

Duration 10 minutes

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