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Video Production

VideoProduction: LegalAndSafetyExercises

Legal and Safety Exercises

Risk Assessment

Equipment; pens and paper, risk assessment templates from appendix, risk matrix.
Key words; responsibilities, liability, safe, location permissions.

Lesson plan (Whole session duration 30 minutes)

Introduce the session. This session will cover how to do a risk assessment and aims to show just how many potential risks there are. This is particularly useful with inexperienced groups as they often don't realise just how quickly things can become dangerous.

Duration 5 minutes

Get the groups to imagine 3 different scenarios where filming is about to take place. You may use locations available to you like the kitchen, toilets, exteriors or create them like a trip to the woods or a scene on a bridge. Get them to fill in the risk assessment templates for those scenarios.

Duration 15 minutes

Ask the groups to report back on their findings and using the matrix in this chapter establish how much risk is involved.

Duration 5 minutes

Summarise the learning and ask the group what they learned from the exercise.

Duration 5 minutes

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