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Video Production

VideoProduction: RecordingSoundExercises

Sound recording exercise

Create your own library of special effects. You can use your camera for this leaving the lens cap on so you only capture sound or any sound recording equipment. Remember, sound is only as good as the equipment and the recordist.

  • Crunching snow
  • Breaking bones
  • Kissing
  • Heartbeat

Filming a sequence exercise

Equipment; Cameras, blank tapes, tripods, microphones, TV and appropriate cables.
Key words; Close up, wide, hand-held, focus, establishing shot, reverse shot.

Lesson plan (Whole session duration 1 hour)

Introduce the session

Duration 5 minutes

Give the group the following example;

Imagine you have to film the following sequence;
A man walks into a hallway, picks up some keys and leaves. In your head you probably saw all the details in that image, the keys on the table, the man's image, the table etc. Most amateur film makers would film that sequence in one shot. Tell them that the keys are important and they might use a dodgy, handheld zoom in and out to emphasise it. Now using the storyboard template in the appendix draw 4 panels or panes depicting that sequence as if it were a horror story. See how much emphasis different angles and sizes of shot place on different aspects of the scene. Remember, the keys are important but you cannot zoom! Now go out and film it!

Get the groups to go out and film the sequence.

Duration 30 minutes

Let everybody watch each other's rushes. If the groups discipline is good these shouldn't be to long bearing in mind the final sequence will only be about 1 minute maximum. Otherwise you may have to watch edited highlights!

Duration 15 minutes

Have an open discussion on what the groups have learned and how they would do things differently next time.

Duration 10 minutes

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