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Video Production

VideoProduction: DistributionExercises

Distribution Exercises

Surfing the web exercise

Equipment; computers connected to the Internet, preferably broadband
Key words; Surfing, browser, player, QuickTime, Real Player, AVI, frame size, frame rate, bit rate, download speeds.

Lesson plan (Whole session duration 1 hour)

Introduce the session. This session will cover some of the basics of Internet video. Explain the theory of video players and why we need them, how video is available across the Internet and what its limitations are.

Duration 15 minutes

Get the group to have a look at some Internet sites with video on, taking note of the really good ones like the big movie distributors. Get them to download 3 different types of video across the net.

Duration 20 minutes

Show them to the rest of the group and discuss which videos work well and why that might be. Areas to discuss are image quality, bit rate and speed of download. Does the group think the video was filmed or edited especially for the Internet? Ask them what is it about the videos that really work? How do the big movie companies sell their product using the Internet and is it different to other forms of marketing?

Duration 15 minutes

Summarise the learning and get the group to ask themselves, "how can I apply this to my work?" What lessons have they learned?

Duration 10 minutes

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