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Video Production

VideoProduction: AudienceWorksheet

Audience Worksheet

Here are a few questions to help you define your audience:

  • Who are the people most affected by the issue addressed in your film?
  • Do you want your film to "preach to the converted" or to reach people who have never been exposed to the issue in your film or your point of view?
  • Where do they live?
  • How old are they?
  • Do they work? Where?
  • Where do they gather as a community? (churches, community centres, shopping centres etc.)
  • What language do they speak?
  • Do they already know a lot about the issue(s) of your film?
  • What other issues concern them?
  • Who are the people who have the most power to affect the change that you want your film to make?
  • Which organisations work with these types of people?

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