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ELMCIP User's Guide


Events refer to a happening or an occurrence, typically one planned by an organization, that is related to the field of electronic literature. Examples of events documented in the ELMCIP Knowledge Base include: awards, conferences, exhibitions, festivals, performances, readings, seminars, and workshops.

The Event record specifies the type, date, and location of the event, as well as details about the organizer and URLs at which to access additional information about the event.

Once developed, the ideal event record should not only describe what took place and who or what works were presented there, but also provide a sense of the event's significance to the field of e-literature. An event's significance may be inferred through cross-references, such as the list of creative or critical works presented, but contributors are also encouraged to explicitly comment in the description about aspects of the event they and others regard(ed) as meaningful and/or significant.

What, for instance, did the event's organizers intend the event to achieve? Were there any noteworthy occurrences or discernable trends at the event? Contributors documenting events are encouraged, for example, to note things such as: the debut of a major work at an exhibition, the dissemination of a distinctive theoretical position or critical argument at a conference, or the proliferation of works in a particular genre, modality or platform at a festival.

However speculative and subjective, these notes will help document the contemporary field and, in the process, inform the writing of future literary histories of electronic literature.

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