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ELMCIP User's Guide

5.1 - Basic Information

On this page, enter basic information about the teaching resource, beginning with the title of the resource and the type.

Title of Resource: Enter the full title of the teaching resource. If the work has a sub-title, enter it after a colon. 

Most entries in the Electronic Literature Knowledge Base follow headline-style capitalization (e.g. Digital Art and Meaning), some follow sentence-style capitaliztion (What we had has not yet been). You may choose either style.

If you are entering the name of a course, here is the recommended format:

Title of course: Subtitle (Course code/number, Semester Year).

Here are some examples of actual courses to use as models: 

Digital Genres: Digital Art, Electronic Literature, and Computer Games (DIKULT 103, Spring 2011) 
Electronic Literature (DIKULT 203, F
all 2011) 
Digital Literature (Engl 391, Fall 2008) 
Rhetoric and New Media (EN1306, Spring 2010)

Teaching Resource Type:  Select one of the options that will help to identify the type of teaching resource. If you are uncertain how to classify the resource, choose "Other Teaching Resource."

Author: Enter the name of the person or people who developed this resource. In most instances, it will be a teacher or professor. The author's name will autocomplete if it is in the database. If the author is not yet in the database, click "add the author" to create a new person record.

Organization: If the resource was developed as part of a curriculum, enter the organization responsible (for example University of Bergen, Program in Digital Culture). The field will autocomplete if you have already added the organization. If the work is not in the knowledge base, first add the organization before completing this record.

Date: Select the year that the resource was initially developed.

Language: Select the human language of the teaching resource. Select multiple if the work includes multiple languages.

URL: Add the URL where the resource can be accessed online. If the title is more than 128 characters, enter a shortened version. If the resource has multiple URLs, list them all and identify the different versions or iterations in parentheses. 

For a useful example, look at how the different URLs are listed in the record for Transcriptions A Digital Humanities Project on the Cultures of Information. In the box in the left column, under Web you can see variations including: Transcriptions (current site)Transcriptions (in progress)Curriculum, and Original Transcriptions Project Site (1st iteration).

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