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ELMCIP User's Guide

3.1 - Core Information

On this page, enter basic bibliographic information about the critical work. Most of the fields should be fairly self-explanatory.

Work title: Enter the full title of the critical work. If the work has a sub-title, enter it after a colon (e.g. Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary).

Although most of the entries in the Knowledge Base follow headline-style capitalization (e.g. Digital Art and Meaning), a few follow sentence-style capitalization (What we had has not yet been). You may choose either style. 

 : Enter the full name of the author, first (middle, if applicable) and last. The author's name will autocomplete if it is in the database. If the author is not yet in the database click "add the author" and create a new node record for the person. 

Editor: Enter the full name of the editor, if applicable. The editor's name will autocomplete if it is in the database. If the author is not yet in the database, click "add the author" and create a new node record for the person. 


Note: You only need to add the editor if you created a record for a text in which the editor is explicitly credited, such as an edited anthology, monograph or the special issue of a journal. If you are entering a single journal article or a chapter from an anthology, do not enter the editor of the volume here. 

  Enter the year the work was published. 

Publication type: Select the publication type of this critical writing. Multiple selections may apply if the same item fits multiple categories (for example, a conference paper that is also published as a journal publication) but a specific single selection is usually adequate. Only select the term that describes the specific instance the record describes. For instance, a review is a review no matter where it is published. An article in a special issue of a print journal is an article in a print publication. The special issue as a whole that contains the article is the special issue, and has a separate record from the article itself.


Event: If the critical article was presented at a conference, select it from the list. The event will autocomplete if it is in the database. If it is not yet in the database, click "add the event."

Publisher: Enter the name of the publisher of a book, the title of a journal, or other publishing entity. The publisher's name will autocomplete if it is in the database. If the publisher is not yet in the database, click "add the publisher" and create a new node reference.

URL: Enter the link title in the left box (the limit is 128 characters) and the URL (universal resource locator) in the right box. To avoid transcription errors, we recommend copying and pasting the URL's specific character string.

Archive URL:  If the work is available at a web-based archive, such as the Internet Archive, or a university open-research archive, link here.

Language: Select the human language the work was written in. Select more than one (e.g. Norwegian and English and Slovene) if the work includes multiple languages. Each translated edition of the work should have a different node reference. Note: this is a taxonomy field, which will replace the previous Language field, which will be deleted once the data is migrated from it. For new records, disregard the other Language field above and use this one.

License: If the copyright assigned to the work is known, select it here. 

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