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ELMCIP User's Guide

9.1 - Database and Archive Information

Title: In the "Title" field, enter the official name of the resource. If the resource is commonly referred to by an acronym (e.g. ELD for the Electronic Literature Directory), this can be specified in description.


 Project type: In the "Title" field, enter the official name of the resource. If the resource is commonly referred to by an acronym (e.g. ELD for the Electronic Literature Directory), this can be specified in description.


 URL: Add the URL where the resource where the resource can be accessed online. For example, http://elmcip.net/knowledgebase for the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base). Enter the name of the resource in the "Tltle" field just to the left.


Organization: If an organization is responsible for developing and maintaining this project, indicate which one using the autocomplete field. If the organization is not yet in the database, add the organization



Key people: Enter the names of the people who have played key roles in designing and developing this digital-humanities resource (e.g. leaders, developers, editors). Enter the name of each person separately. The name will autocomplete if the person is already in the database. If the person is not yet in the database, add the person.


Note: Before adding a new person record, check to see if he or she is already listed as an author.


Contributer' notes: Please provide notes about the various roles key people (indicated above) played in this project.


Contact e-mail: Please provide notes about the various roles key people (indicated above) played in this project.


Year initiated:






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