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ELMCIP User's Guide

8.3 - Event Documentation

On this page contributors can upload and attach materials that will help to document the event. At present, contributors can submit three basic types of content: files, images, and multimedia.

1. Files: Attach relevant files from the event, such as .pdfs of printed program or posters, or audio recordings in mp3 format. These must be less than 120 MB. Allowed file types: txt, jpg, jpeg, mp3, pdf, png.

2. Images: You may upload and attach individual images (20MB max) documenting the event here. 

            Note: Use the multimedia field to link picture sets or video.

3. Multimedia: Use this field to display Vimeo and YouTube videos, and other multimedia content. 
Note: flickr photo sets are not currently working with this field. We are waiting for an update to the module, so please wait until the issue is resolved before adding them.


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