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ELMCIP User's Guide

2.2 - Description

On the Description page users enter a range of information about the form and content of the creative work. Several of these fields are cross-referenced and searchable in the Knowledge Base. 

Tags: A comma-separated list of terms, keywords, or phrases that describe and/or contextualize the creative work.

Typically, these will be technical terms from literary studies (defamiliarizationbildungsroman,sonnet), philosophy and critical theory (ideologysublime, phenomenology), art history (iconographyabstract expressionism, Dada), computer science (JavaScriptDHTMLinterface) media studies (redundancy) and other fields, like game studies (cybertext), affiliated with the field of electronic literature.

For example, here are tags applied to the hypertext novel The Unknown: collaboration, comedy, hypertext, hypertext fiction, network fiction, parody, pastiche, picaresque, satire, narrative, drug literature, pharmakon, mockumentary

For most tags use all lower-case letters, unless the tag is a proper noun or name (Paris, Borges, University of Bergen), an adjective derived from a proper name (Marxist, Kafkaesque, Borgesian), an acronynm (DHTML). For specifics about capitalization, consult the Chicago Manual of Style. As you begin to type, the field begins to autocomplete with lists of tags already used in the Knowledge Base. 

Description (in English): Provide a brief description of the work in English, up to 350 words.


Description (in original language): If the work was not written in English, write short description, fewer than 350 words, in the original language. Leave this field empty if the original language of the work is English.

Langague of abstract: Select the human language for the "Description (in original language).

Language of description (Taxonomy): Select the human language of the additional language description. Note: this is a taxonomy field, which will replace the previous Language of abstract field, which will be deleted once the data is migrated from it. For new records, disregard the other Language of abstract field above and use this one.

Contributors note: Please enter information abouit different author/contributor roles in this field (e.g. Sound designer:, programmer: etc.)

Other language version: If there is version of this creative work in the knowledge base published in another language, link to it here. If the work is not in the knowledge base, click the link and add the work. 

Other edition: If there is a record for another edition of this work in the same language in the knowledge base, enter it here. The form will autocomplete.

Part of another work: If this work is part of another creative work (e.g. one piece in a trilogy) reference that work here. The title will autocomplete if in the KB, otherwise first add the new work.

Pull quotes: Enter a significant passage (1-3 sentences) excerpted from the text that will help to contextualize it. The quote may displayed on the Knowledge Base and should be representative of the text, so as to entice readers to access and read the work.

When entering a pull quote, there is no need to include quotation marks identifying it as cited material.

Technical notes: Enter relevant notes about the platform, etc. used in the creation of the work, and in particular any plug-ins or other information required for the user to access the work.

Appears in: If the work was published in an anthology, collection, or special issue of a journal link to it here using the autocomplete field. If the field does not complete, click the "add the anthology" link, which will open up a window to add a new Critical Writing node record.

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