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UpStage v3 User manual

Logging In

Players log in to UpStage to create and present performances. You do not need anything other than a browser with the Flash player plugin, and an internet-connected computer, to do this. 

Log in 

From the home page, enter your username and password in the input boxes at top right. 


Player permissions

Depending on the permissions level that you have been given, once you have logged in you will have access to different tools. There are currently four levels of permissions: player, maker, admin and creator.


The default "Player" permissions enable a logged in player to access the on-stage player tools, so that they can collaborate in a performance. This level is also used for guest log-ins for open walkthroughs and workshops where people are learning the basic operations of UpStage before starting to make their own show. This default level does not give access to the Workshop.


A player with "Maker" permissions can access the Workshop to upload media, edit their own media, create stages and edit their own stages; as well as access the on-stage player tools.

There is also "Unlimited Maker" - allowing a maker to upload files larger than the 1MB file upload limit.


A player with "Admin" permissions can edit others media and stages as well as their own, add and edit players, and edit the content of the Workshop pages. An admin user also has unlimited upload permission.


A player with "Creator" access can do everything an admin can do, as well override a stage lock and create new creator level users. Usually a creator will be the person or people who have set up a particular UpStage instance, and therefore may also have access to the server in order to perform upgrades and other maintenance.

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