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UpStage v3 User manual

Audience Interactivity

The primary form of interactivity for the audience is the text chat, discussed in the previous chapter. There are also a few other things that the audience can do.


Audience members can use a number of commands in the text chat; these are instructions typed into the text chat input field after a /  

For example:

/asize 8 (or another number): this changes the font size of audience-input text to 8 (the default size is 5) on that computer. This is useful for people with visual impairment or if the screen is being projected for a group audience.

/psize 8 (or another number): this changes the font size of player-input text, as above.

/info: gives some information about UpStage.

Players have a lot more commands available to them - see the chapter on Commands for more information. 


Something about how the applause button will work.


Something about how the volunteer button will work.

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