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Installing Chromium in Other Linux Distributions

Installing Chromium in Other Linux Distributions

Ubuntu is not the only Linux distribution out there. You might be able to install Chromium on any Linux distribution using that distribution's package manager. For example, use YaST in OpenSUSE or yum in Fedora.

But, if your distribution's package manager doesn't include Chromium, you can visit the index page where developers post the latest hourly builds, or code updates of Chromium for download.

To install Chromium, do the following:

  1. Go to http://build.chromium.org/f/chromium/snapshots/Linux/.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the index and click on Latest.
  3. Note the number that appears in your browser window. This is the number of the latest Chromium build. You should install this version.
  4. Press the Back button on your browser to return to the Chromium build index, and click on the latest build number.
  5. Click the file chrome-linux.zip to download the software.
  6. Open a terminal window and enter superuser mode. You are prompted for your root password.

    $ su

  7. Copy the file you downloaded to the /usr/local directory.

    $ cp -a directory/filename /usr/local

    • directory is the name of the directory in which you downloaded the file, for example downloads.
    • filename is the name of the file, for example chrome-linux.zip.
  8. Extract the archive to the installation directory. This creates the /usr/local/chrome-linux directory and copies the Thunderbird program into it.

    $ cd /usr/local
    $ tar -xjvf filename.tar.bz2

  9. Delete the archive. When you are prompted, enter y on your keyboard.

    $ rm filename

  10. Create a symbolic link to the Chromium executable.

    $ ln -s ../../usr/local/chrome-linux/chrome /usr/bin/chrome

  11. Finally, create a shortcut on your desktop that points to /usr/bin/chrome and double-click that shortcut to start Chromium .

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