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RFree User Guide (basic version)

Log in

To log in to RFree, you will need an account at RadioSpark, the community powered site for community radio resources.


If you don't already have a RadioSpark account, go to radiospark.org. Fill out all of the required fields (marked with red asterisks). It is ok to leave out the non-required information, though adding more information about yourself will help you participate in the RadioSpark community! Verify by typing the letters you see at the bottom of the page and click “Join our community”.


After you join, you will receive an email with a log-in link. This link will only work once!


Click “Edit My Profile” underneath the picture to change your password so that you can log back in in the future.

Finally, click the RFree button on the right sidebar.

 You will be ask to log in to http://rfree.radiospark.org, say Yes!


You will be redirected to RFree!


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