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RFree User Guide (basic version)

Create a new location

After logging in, you should see a page that looks like this:


Here, you will choose a location where you want to search for available channels. This should be the site where your broadcast antenna and transmitting equipment will be located (not necessarily the location where your studio will be). If you want to check for channels at multiple sites, you can create new locations later.

In the “Short Name” field, enter a brief name for this antenna location. This is for your own reference, so pick a name that you can use to distinguish this from other potential sites. The name can include spaces and any standard keyboard characters.

In the “Station Class” field, choose either “LPFM 100W” or “LPFM10W”. A 100W station has 100 watts of power, while a 10W station only has 10 watts. A 100W station will reach a larger area, but there may be space for a 10W station where a 100W station won't fit.1


Finally, choose a location. You can type a zip code, city, street address, or latititude/longitude coordinates in the Location field. You will have a chance to refine your location later on, so it's ok to use an approximate location for now. In most cases, a location change of a few kilometers or less won't impact which channels are available. Click the magnifying glass. The map should adjust to show a pointer at your location. If the location on the map is incorrect, you can change the information in the Location field and click the magnifying glass again, or manually move the pointer to the correct location.


The blue circle on the map is an estimate of the reliable coverage area for a station at the location you chose. If possible, choose a location so that the coverage area includes the population you most want your radio station to reach. Keep in mind, however, that this area is only a rough estimate, and your actual coverage may be significantly different in areas with hilly/mountainous terrain.

Once you are satisfied with your location, click “Save and Search”. This action would take you to a new page that would display the available channels in your community!



1The FCC is considering eliminating the 10W LPFM class in future licensing windows, as well as adding other classes, such as a 250W LPFM class. The LPFM 100W class will almost certainly remain.



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