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RFree User Guide (basic version)


Warning! Please read the following notes before using RFree.

  • This is a beta version of RFree, and it isn't perfect! Because the FCC has not yet released the final rules for the upcoming low power FM radio application window, RFree is based on a number of predictions about the rules that cannot be confirmed until the FCC finalizes them. There are also a few known errors in the way RFree calculates channel availability. For example, RFree does not distinguish between NAD 27 coordinates (older latitude/longitude coordinates from a 1927 survey of the US) and NAD 83/WGS 84 coordinates (the newer coordinates that are more widely used). This could cause locations to be incorrect by up to 100 meters in the continental US and 800 meters in the discontiguous US. There may be additional unknown errors. The Prometheus Radio Project does not guarantee the accuracy of any results obtained in RFree. We recommend that you double-check your results using other channel search tools such as the REC Networks LPFM Channel Search and the FCC LPFM Channel Finder.
  • The Prometheus Radio Project will not sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise disclose personal data without your permission, but cannot guarantee the privacy and security of any data entered in RFree. Prometheus may disclose bulk data, such as the total number of users, the number of available channels uncovered, or the number of searches performed in a particular zip code.

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