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Mifos user manual

Mifos: HowToViewPerformanceHistory

How to view performance history

On the details page (dashboard) for centers, groups, and clients, performance history is summarized in a box at the upper right.

Performance history of a center

For a center, it includes the following:

  • Number of active clients: Total number of clients belonging to the center, irrespective of the client status.

  • Number of active groups: Total number of groups belonging to the center, irrespective of the group status.

  • Total loan portfolio: Total original value of all outstanding loans (including all groups' loans and client loans). This does not include group-funded loan products.

  • Total savings: All the savings accounts of the center

Performance history of a group

For a group, it includes the following:

  • Number of active clients: Total number of clients belonging to the group, irrespective of the client status.

  • Amount of last group loan: Last largest group loan disbursed.

  • Average individual loan size: Sum of active loan amount for all client loan accounts / Number of active client loan accounts 

  • Total loan portfolio: Total original value of all outstanding loans (including group loans and all client loans). This does not include group-funded loan products.

  • Portfolio at risk: The remaining balance of all outstanding loans that have one or more installments of principal past due more than 30 days / total original value of all outstanding loans. Principal amounts of loan product loans (not group-funded loan product) excluding interest.

  • Total savings: All the savings accounts of the group.

  • Loan cycle per product: The number of times a loan product has been used for a loan account. If the group has taken two agricultural loans and three cattle loans, for example, the performance history displays the following: education loan=2, cattle loan=3. The counter is incremented when a loan account is approved and decremented for rescheduled loans or written-off loans.

Performance history of a client

For a client, it includes the following:

  • Loan cycle number: A loan cycle number is incremented when a new loan account is opened for the client. Rescheduling or writing-off a loan decrements the loan cycle count.

  • Amount of last loan: The most recent loan with "closed-- obligations met" status.

  • Number of active loans: Loans with 'active in good standing' and 'active in bad standing' statuses.

  • Delinquent portfolio: Amount of overdue loan principal / Total original value of all outstanding loans. Loans with 'active in good standing', 'active in bad standing' statuses and rescheduled loans are still 'overdue'.

  • Total savings: All the savings accounts of the client

  • Meetings attended

  • Meetings missed

  • Loan cycle per product: The number of times a loan product has been used for a loan account. If the client has taken two agricultural loans and three cattle loans, for example, the performance history displays the following: education loan=2, cattle loan=3. The counter is incremented when a loan account is approved and decremented for rescheduled loans or written-off loans.

This data is also viewable from the client and group dashboards, at the bottom, from the View Summarized Historical Data link.