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Mifos user manual

Mifos: HowToSetUpMifosOverview

How To Setup Mifos: Overview

This manual contains information on the use of Mifos once it has been installed and configured. For information on what needs to happen before you start to use Mifos, check the following sections.

System recommendations

Before you install Mifos, you must read the system recommendations and be sure that your system is suitable to run Mifos.

Latest release notes

The release notes for each release of Mifos are here. Read them to find important information about the latest release, including known issues.

Installation guide

The installation guide gives you all the instructions you need to install Mifos.

Configuration guide

The configuration guide includes instructions on all the operations that must occur before you starting working with Mifos.

Deployment methodology

The deployment guide includes tips and advice for deploying Mifos independently through community with support via our mailing lists..

Maintenance and post-deployment planning

The maintenance section of the Mifos knowledge base includes information on maintaining Mifos and on planning for future releases.

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