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Mifos user manual

How to link guarantor to client

Guarantor is a person, who will ensure that loan account will be paid. On loan details page it is possible to attach guarantor to loan account. Guarantee can be applied only to loan account and individual loan account. It is possible to display guarantor's details and remove guarantor.

Client that is an "active" guarantor has a note displayed on the guarantors client page saying that this client is guarantying a loan for client (loan id and client name is displayed).

 To link guarantor, follow instructions below:

  1. Open loan account details page that you want to link with guarantor.
  2. You will see:                       
  3. Click on Apply guaranty link.
  4. You will see following screen:
  5. Choose a Client, who you want to link. Note: You can type ' % ' to display all possible clients.
  6. Click Search.
  7. You will see a list of clients match to text in text box.
  8. Click on client's link.
  9. You will see a screen like following:
  10. Check if each field is displayed properly and click Submit.
  11. You will see list of guaranties on loan details page:

It is also possible o display guarantors details (click on show link near guarantor name). You can also remove guarantee, by clicking on link remove. It is possible to add more than one guarantor. Just click on apply guarantee and follow instructions 1-11.


On client, who is guarantor, details page there is a section with list of clients and their's loans. It is possible to display details by clicking show.


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