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Mifos user manual

How to import M-PESA transactions using Kopo Kopo

Kopo Kopo platform allows to accept and process payments in real-time. Corporate mobile money account(s) can be easily linked to Kopo Kopo account to benefit from number of services such as integration with money transfer systems, extended reporting and payments analysis tools and many more.

Mifos integration with Kopo Kopo gives possibility to import M-PESA transactions and apply them directly on customer's accounts. To be able to import M-PESA transactions using Kopo-Kopo you need to first create a new Kopo Kopo account.

Follow the steps below to see how to sign up and import transactions using Kopo Kopo:

1. Go to https://app.kopokopo.com/companies/sign_up page to create a new Kopo Kopo account. Fill the sign-up form and click on Sign Up button.


2. After signing up, use your email and password to sign in on this page https://app.kopokopo.com/users/sign_in :

3. After signing in, you will see Kopo Kopo dashboard where you check sales and transactions for the last seven days. To configure integrate Mifos with Kopo Kopo you need to first set up connection to Mifos. Click on Settings link at the top of the page:

4. Select Account settings:


5. In HTTP(S) POST Configuration section, click on Edit button and enter Mifos URL and login credentials:

After that, Mifos will be configured to import M-PESA trasactions using Kopo Kopo.

7. When Kopo Kopo receives mobile payment (M-PESA), it is displayed in 'Payments' section:


8. Transaction is automatically transferred from Kopo Kopo to appropriate account in Mifos:


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