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Hosting your own Video Site

Creating Subtitles Online using Amara

Subtitles can open up your video to new audiences. Subtitles can be a written translation of the video dialogue in a foreign language or a rendering of the dialogue in the original language often targeting viewers who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or have accent recognition problems.

Video Captions Online

Some video sharing systems allow you to play captions and subtitles on top of your video files. Some even let you create or edit subtitles. Below we can see a video with English subtitles selected on the subtitler platform Amara.

Starting a new transcript using Amara

To start a subtitling a video using Amara, simply go to http://www.amara.org/ and copy and paste the link to your video into the field titled "Add a video"

If someone else has already added subtitles for the video you added, you will be directed to the existing transcript and translations. This way there is no duplication of work.

The video below from the Papuan Voices website has already been translated into many languages. These can be selected in the online video player.

The process of creating subtitles is quite easy and intuitive, and there are step by step instructions on the website.

The work area is shown below.

To add a subtitle, simply start typing in the field below the video player. To start a new title, hit enter (the button you use for line breaks in text documents too).

You can start and stop the video playback with the green button shown in the image above, or use the tab bar on your keyboard.

If you want to save your transcript, but haven't finished it, select Save and Exit.

More Resources

More help using Amara: One of the reasons for approaching subtitles in an open way using Amara, is that it allows your community to get involved in the task of subtitling videos. There is more help available on using Amara here - http://support.amara.org/support/solutions

Other Ways of Creating SRT Files:
There are many tools on the desktop which we can use to create these files. This can be handy if we want to subtitle our files off line.

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