This section on choosing an HTML5 player is written from the context of the Drupal CMS. However, the same approach could be used for many other systems.
HTML5 is a specification and set of technologies that allow us take advantage of the latest things you can do inside of web pages. The HTML5 specification added a <VIDEO> tag which was a step forward in delivering video. Websites are moving away from 'Flash' players which use proprietary and sometimes costly technology towards more open source solutions.
This is good news for us as there are many HTML5 Video players that we can freely modify and without cost on our websites.
While some of will celebrate the diversity of HTML5 Video players available to us, others may find the range of choice confusing. Here is a list of just some of the most popular players.
Luckily, there are a few websites that can help us to make this choice. The following process is based on the approach of these websites.
Firstly, we need to decide on what functions we want our player to be able to do. The sites list some of the following features which you may or not need for your website.
There are some handy tables on the websites mentioned.
This chart is from
The following chart is from
Some players have associated Drupal modules which help us to integrate them into our site.
While ultimately you will need to do your own research, here are our top 5 modules to help integrate Video players into Drupal to get you started.
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