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Scanned Synthesis is a relatively new synthesis technique invented by Max Mathews, Rob Shaw and Bill Verplank at Interval Research in 2000. This algorithm uses a combination of a table-lookup oscillator and Sir Issac Newton's mechanical model (equation) of a mass and spring system to dynamically change the values stored in an f-table. The sonic result is a timbral spectrum that changes with time.

Csound has a couple opcodes dedicated to scanned synthesis, and these opcodes can be used not only to make sounds, but also to generate dynamic f-tables for use with other Csound opcodes.


The quickest way to start using scanned synthesis is Matt Ingalls' opcode scantable.

 a1 scantable iamp, kfrq, ipos, imass, istiff, idamp, ivel 

The arguments iamp and kfrq should be familiar, amplitude and frequency respectively. The other arguments are f-table numbers containing data known in the scanned synthesis world as profiles.


Profiles refer to variables in the mass and spring equation. Newton's model describes a string as a finite series of marbles connected to each other with springs.

In this example we will use 128 marbles in our system. To the Csound user, profiles are a series of f-tables that set up the scantable opcode. To the opcode, these f-tables influence the dynamic behavior of the table read by a table-lookup oscillator.

gipos     ftgen 1, 0, 128, 10, 1              ;Initial Shape   ;Sine wave range -1 to 1
gimass    ftgen 2, 0, 128, -7, 1, 1           ;Masses          ;Constant value 1
gistiff   ftgen 3, 0, 128, -7, 50, 64, 100, 64, 0 ;Stiffness    ;Unipolar triangle range to 100
gidamp    ftgen 4, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1      ;Damping         ;Constant value 1
givel     ftgen 5, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 0      ;Initial Velocity;Constant value 0

These tables need to be the same size as each other or Csound will return an error.

Run the following .csd. Notice that the sound starts off sounding like our intial shape (a sine wave) but evolves as if there are filters or distortions or LFO's.

EXAMPLE 04H01_scantable.csd

-o dac
nchnls = 2
ksmps = 32
0dbfs = 1
gipos   ftgen 1, 0, 128, 10, 1                  ;Initial Shape, sine wave range -1 to 1
gimass  ftgen 2, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1          ;Masses(adj.), constant value 1
gistiff ftgen 3, 0, 128, -7, 50, 64, 100, 64, 0 ;Stiffness; unipolar triangle range 0 to 100
gidamp  ftgen 4, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1          ;Damping; constant value 1
givel   ftgen 5, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 0          ;Initial Velocity; constant value 0
instr 1
iamp = .7
kfrq = 440
a1 scantable iamp, kfrq, gipos, gimass, gistiff, gidamp, givel
a1 dcblock2 a1
outs a1, a1
i 1 0 10
;Example by Christopher Saunders

But as you see no effects or controls signals in the .csd, just a synth!

This is the power of scanned synthesis. It produces a dynamic spectrum with "just" an oscillator. Imagine now applying a scanned synthesis oscillator to all your favorite synth techniques - Subtractive, Waveshaping, FM, Granular and more.

Recall from the subtractive synthesis technique, that the "shape" of the waveform of your oscillator has a huge effect on the way the oscillator sounds. In scanned synthesis, the shape is in motion and these f-tables control how the shape moves.


The scantable opcode makes it easy to use dynamic f-tables in other csound opcodes. The example below sounds exactly like the above .csd, but it demonstrates how the f-table set into motion by scantable can be used by other csound opcodes.

EXAMPLE 04H02_Dynamic_tables.csd

-o dac
nchnls = 2
ksmps = 32
0dbfs = 1

gipos      ftgen      1, 0, 128, 10, 1 ;Initial Shape, sine wave range -1 to 1;
gimass     ftgen      2, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1 ;Masses(adj.), constant value 1
gistiff    ftgen      3, 0, 128, -7, 50, 64, 100, 64, 0 ;Stiffness; unipolar triangle range 0 to 100
gidamp     ftgen      4, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1 ;Damping; constant value 1
givel      ftgen      5, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 0 ;Initial Velocity; constant value 0
instr 1
iamp       =          .7
kfrq       =          440
a0         scantable  iamp, kfrq, gipos, gimass, gistiff, gidamp, givel ;
a1         oscil3     iamp, kfrq, gipos
a1         dcblock2   a1
           outs       a1, a1
i 1 0 10
;Example by Christopher Saunders

Above we use a table-lookup oscillator to periodically read a dynamic table.

Below is an example of using the values of an f-table generated by scantable, to modify the amplitudes of an fsig, a signal type in csound which represents a spectral signal.

EXAMPLE 04H03_Scantable_pvsmaska.csd

-o dac
nchnls = 2
ksmps = 32
0dbfs = 1

gipos      ftgen      1, 0, 128, 10, 1                  ;Initial Shape, sine wave range -1 to 1;
gimass     ftgen      2, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1          ;Masses(adj.), constant value 1
gistiff    ftgen      3, 0, 128, -7, 50, 64, 100, 64, 0 ;Stiffness; unipolar triangle range 0 to 100
gidamp     ftgen      4, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1          ;Damping; constant value 1
givel      ftgen      5, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 0          ;Initial Velocity; constant value 0
gisin      ftgen      6, 0,8192, 10, 1                  ;Sine wave for buzz opcode

instr 1
iamp       =          .7
kfrq       =          110
a1         buzz       iamp, kfrq, 32, gisin
           outs       a1, a1
instr 2
iamp       =          .7
kfrq       =          110
a0         scantable  1, 10, gipos, gimass, gistiff, gidamp, givel ;
ifftsize   =          128
ioverlap   =          ifftsize / 4
iwinsize   =          ifftsize
iwinshape  =          1; von-Hann window
a1         buzz       iamp, kfrq, 32, gisin
fftin      pvsanal    a1, ifftsize, ioverlap, iwinsize, iwinshape; fft-analysis of file
fmask      pvsmaska   fftin, 1, 1
a2         pvsynth    fmask; resynthesize
           outs       a2, a2
i 1 0 3
i 2 5 10
;Example by Christopher Saunders

In this .csd, the score plays instrument 1, a normal buzz sound, and then the score plays instrument 2 -- the same buzz sound re-synthesized with amplitudes of each of the 128 frequency bands, controlled by a dynamic f-table. 


Scantable can do a lot for us, it can synthesize an interesting, time-varying timbre using a table lookup oscillator, or animate an f-table for use in other Csound opcodes. However, there are other scanned synthesis opcodes that can take our expressive use of the algorithm even further.

The opcodes scans and scanu by Paris Smaragdis give the Csound user one of the most robust and flexible scanned synthesis environments. These opcodes work in tandem to first set up the dynamic wavetable, and then to "scan" the dynamic table in ways a table-lookup oscillator cannot.

The opcode scanu takes 18 arguments and sets a table into motion.

  scanu ipos, irate, ifnvel, ifnmass, ifnstif, ifncentr, ifndamp, kmass, kstif, kcentr, kdamp, ileft, iright, kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id 

For a detailed description of what each argument does, see the Csound Reference Manual (link); I will discuss the various types of arguments in the opcode.

The first set of arguments - ipos, irate, ifnvel, ifnmass, ifnstiff, ifncenter, and ifndamp, are f-tables describing the profiles, similar to the profile arguments for scantable. Scanu takes 6 f-tables instead of scantable's 5. Like scantable, these need to be f-tables of the same size or Csound will return an error.

An exception to this size requirement is the ifnstiff table. This table is the size of the other profiles squared. If the other f-tables are size 128, then ifnstiff should be of size16384 (or 128 x 128). To discuss what this table does, I must first introduce the concept of a scanned matrix.


The scanned matrix is a convention designed to describe the shape of the connections of masses(n.) in the mass(n.) and spring model.

Going back to our discussion on Newton's mechanical model, the mass(n.) and spring model describes the behavior of a string as a finite number of masses connected by springs. As you can imagine, the masses are connected sequentially, one to another, like beads on a string. Mass(n.) #1 is connected to #2, #2 connected to #3 and so on. However, the pioneers of scanned synthesis had the idea to connect the masses in a non-linear way. It's hard to imagine, because as musicians, we have experience with piano or violin strings (one dimensional strings), but not with multi-dimensional strings. Fortunately, the computer has no problem working with this this idea, and the flexibility of Newton's equation allows us to use the CPU to model mass(n.) #1 being connected with springs not only to #2 but also to #3 and any other mass(n.) in the model.

The most direct and useful implementation of this concept is to connect mass #1 to mass #2 and mass #128 -- forming a string without endpoints, a circular string. Like tying our string with beads to make a necklace. The pioneers of scanned synthesis discovered that this circular string model is more useful than a conventional one-dimensionalstring model with endpoints. In fact, scantable uses a circular string.

The matrix is described in a simple ASCII file, imported into Csound via a GEN23 generated f-table.

  f3 0 16384 -23 "string-128" 

This text file must be located in the same directory as your .csd or csound will give you this error

ftable 3: error opening ASCII file

f 3 0.00 16384.00 -23.00 "circularstring-128"

You can construct your own matrix using Stephen Yi's Scanned Matrix editor included in the Blue frontend for Csound, and as a standalone Java application Scanned Synthesis Matrix Editor.

To swap out matrices, simply type the name of a different matrix file into the double quotes.

f3 0 16384 -23 "circularstring-128";

Different matrices have unique effects on the behavior of the system. Some matrices can make the synth extremely loud, others extremely quiet. Experiment with using different matrices.

Now would be a good time to point out that Csound has other scanned synthesis opcodes preceded with an "x", xscans, xscanu, that use a different matrix format than the one used by scans, scanu, and Stephen Yi's Scanned Matrix Editor. The Csound Reference Manual has more information on this.


If the initial shape, an f-table specified by the ipos argument determines the shape of the initial contents in our dynamic table. If you use autocomplete in CsoundQT, the scanu opcode line highlights the first p-field of scanu as the "init" opcode. In my examples I use "ipos" to avoid p1 of scanu being syntax-highlighted. But what if we want to "reset" or "pluck" the table, perhaps with a shape of a square wave instead of a sine wave, while the instrument is playing?

With scantable, there is an easy way to to this, send a score event changing the contents of the dynamic f-table. You can do this with the Csound score by adjusting the start time of the f-events in the score.

EXAMPLE 04H04_Hammer.csd

-o dac

instr 1
ipos       ftgen      1, 0, 128, 10, 1 ; Initial Shape, sine wave range -1 to 1;
imass      ftgen      2, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1 ;Masses(adj.), constant value 1
istiff     ftgen      3, 0, 128, -7, 50, 64, 100, 64, 0 ;Stiffness; unipolar triangle range 0 to 100
idamp      ftgen      4, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1; ;Damping; constant value 1
ivel       ftgen      5, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 0 ;Initial Velocity; constant value 0
iamp       =          0.5
a1         scantable  iamp, 60, ipos, imass, istiff, idamp, ivel
           outs       a1, a1
i 1 0 14
f 1 1 128 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
f 1 2 128 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
f 1 3 128 10 1 1 1 1 1
f 1 4 128 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
f 1 5 128 10 1 1
f 1 6 128 13 1 1 0 0 0 -.1 0 .3 0 -.5 0 .7 0 -.9 0 1 0 -1 0
f 1 7 128 21 6 5.745
;Example by Christopher Saunders

You'll get the warning

WARNING: replacing previous ftable 1

This is not a bad thing, it means this method of hammering the string is working. In fact you could use this method to explore and hammer every possible GEN routine in Csound. GEN10 (sines), GEN 21 (noise) and GEN 27 (breakpoint functions) could keep you occupied for a while.

Unipolar waves have a different sound but a loss in volume can occur.

There is a way to do this with scanu. But I do not use this feature and just use these values instead.

ileft = 0.
iright = 1.
kpos = 0.
kstrngth = 0.


One of the biggest challenges in understanding scanned synthesis is the concept of profiles.

Setting up the opcode scanu requires 3 profiles - Centering, Mass, Damping. The pioneers of scanned synthesis discovered early on that the resultant timbre is far more interesting if marble #1 had a different centering force than mass #64.

The farther our model gets away from a physical real-world string that we know and pluck on our guitars and pianos, the more interesting the sounds for synthesis. Therefore, instead of one mass, and damping, and centering value for all 128 of the marbles each marble should have its own conditions. How the centering, mass, and damping profiles make the system behave is up to the user to discover through experimentation. (More on how to experiment safely later in this chapter.)


Profiles are a detailed way to control the behavior of the string, but what if we want to influence the mass or centering or damping of every marble after a note has been activated and while its playing?

Scanu gives us 4 k-rate arguments kmass, kstif, kcentr, kdamp, to scale these forces. One could scale mass to volume, or have an envelope controlling centering.

Caution! These parameters can make the scanned system unstable in ways that could make extremely loud sounds come out of your computer. It is best to experiment with small changes in range and keep your headphones off. A good place to start experimenting is with different values for kcentr while keeping kmass, kstiff, and kdamp constant.

You could also scale mass and stiffness to MIDI velocity.


Instead of using the hammer method to move the marbles around, we could use audio to add motion to the mass and spring model. Scanu lets us do this with a simple audio rate argument. When the Reference manual says "amplitude should not be too great" it means it.

A good place to start is by scaling down the audio in the opcode line.


It is always a good idea to take into account the 0dbfs statement in the header. Simply put if 0dbfs =1 and you send scans an audio signal with a value of 1, you and your immediate neighbors are in for a very loud ugly sound. "amplitude should not be too great"

to bypass audio injection all together, simply assign 0 to an a-rate variable.

ain = 0

and use this variable as the argument.


The p-field id, is an arbitrary integer label that tells the scans opcode which scanu to read. By making the value of id negative, the arbitrary numerical label becomes the number of an f-table that can be used by any other opcode in Csound, like we did with scantable earlier in this chapter.

We could then use oscil to perform a table lookup algorithm to make sound out of scanu (as long as id is negative), but scanu has a companion opcode, scans which has 1 more argument than oscil. This argument is the number of an f-table containing the scan trajectory.


One thing we have take for granted so far with oscil is that the wave table is read front to back If you regard oscil as a phasor and table pair, the first index of the table is always read first and the last index is always read last as in the example below

EXAMPLE 04H05_Scan_trajectories.csd

-o dac


instr 1
andx phasor 440
a1 table andx*8192, 1
outs a1*.2, a1*.2

f1 0 8192 10 1
i 1 0 4
;Example by Christopher Saunders

But what if we wanted to read the table indices back to front, or even "out of order"? Well we could do something like this-

EXAMPLE 04H06_Scan_trajectories2.csd

-o dac
nchnls=2 ; STEREO
instr 1
andx phasor 440
andx table andx*8192, 1  ; read the table out of order!
a1   table andx*8192, 1
outs a1*.2, a1*.2

f1 0 8192 10 1
f2 0 8192 -5 .001 8192 1;
i 1 0 4
;Example by Christopher Saunders

We are still dealing with 2 dimensional arrays, or f-tables as we know them. But if we remember back to the our conversation about the scanned matrix, matrices are multi-dimensional, it would be a shame to only read them in "2D".

The opcode scans gives us the flexibility of specifying a scan trajectory, analogous to the telling the phasor/table combination to read values non-consecutively. We could read these values, not left to right, but in a spiral order, by specifying a table to be the ifntraj argument of scans.

a3 scans iamp, kpch, ifntraj ,id , interp

An f-table for the spiral method can generated by reading the ASCII file "spiral-8,16,128,2,1over2" by GEN23

f2 0 128 -23 "spiral-8,16,128,2,1over2"

The following .csd requires that the files "circularstring-128" and "spiral-8,16, 128,2,1over2" be located in the same directory as the .csd.

EXAMPLE 04H07_Scan_matrices.csd

-o dac
nchnls = 2
sr = 44100
ksmps = 10
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
ipos ftgen 1, 0, 128, 10, 1
irate = .005
ifnvel ftgen 6, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 0
ifnmass ftgen 2, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1
ifnstif ftgen 3, 0, 16384,-23,"circularstring-128"
ifncentr ftgen 4, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 2
ifndamp ftgen 5, 0, 128, -7, 1, 128, 1
imass = 2
istif = 1.1
icentr = .1
idamp = -0.01
ileft = 0.
iright = .5
ipos = 0.
istrngth = 0.
ain = 0
idisp = 0
id = 8
scanu 1, irate, ifnvel, ifnmass, ifnstif, ifncentr, ifndamp, imass, istif, icentr, idamp, ileft, iright, ipos, istrngth, ain, idisp, id
scanu 1,.007,6,2,3,4,5, 2, 1.10 ,.10 ,0 ,.1 ,.5, 0, 0,ain,1,2;
iamp = .2
ifreq = 200
a1 scans iamp, ifreq, 7, id
a1 dcblock a1
outs a1, a1
f7 0 128 -7 0 128 128
i 1 0 5
f7 5 128 -23 "spiral-8,16,128,2,1over2"
i 1 5 5
f7 10 128 -7 127 64 1 63 127
i 1 10 5
;Example by Christopher Saunders

Notice that the scan trajectory has an FM-like effect on the sound.


Tables used for scan trajectory must be the same size (have the same number of indices) as the mass, centering, damping tables. and must also have the same range as the size of these tables. For example, in our .csd's we've been using 128 point tables for initial position, mass centering, damping;(our stiffness tables have been 128 squared). So our trajectory tables must be of size 128, and contain values from 0 to 127.

One can use larger or smaller tables, but their sizes must agree in this way or Csound will give you an error. Larger tables, of course significantly increase CPU usage and slow down real-time performance.

If all the sizes are multiples of a number (128), we can use Csound's Macro language extension to define the table size as a macro, and then change the definition twice (once for the orc and once for the score) instead of 10 times.

EXAMPLE 04H08_Scan_tablesize.csd

-o dac
nchnls = 2
sr = 44100
ksmps = 10
0dbfs = 1
#define SIZE #128#
instr 1
ipos ftgen 1, 0, $SIZE., 10, 1
irate = .005
ifnvel ftgen 6, 0, $SIZE., -7, 0, $SIZE., 0
ifnmass ftgen 2, 0, $SIZE., -7, 1, $SIZE., 1
ifnstif ftgen 3, 0, $SIZE.*$SIZE.,-23, "circularstring-$SIZE."
ifncentr ftgen 4, 0, $SIZE., -7, 0, $SIZE., 2
ifndamp ftgen 5, 0, $SIZE., -7, 1, $SIZE., 1
imass = 2
istif = 1.1
icentr = .1
idamp = -0.01
ileft = 0.
iright = .5
ipos = 0.
istrngth = 0.
ain = 0
idisp = 0
id = 8
scanu 1, irate, ifnvel, ifnmass, ifnstif, ifncentr, ifndamp, imass, istif, icentr, idamp, ileft, iright, ipos, istrngth, ain, idisp, id
scanu 1,.007,6,2,3,4,5, 2, 1.10 ,.10 ,0 ,.1 ,.5, 0, 0,ain,1,2;
iamp = .2
ifreq = 200
a1 scans iamp, ifreq, 7, id, 4
a1 dcblock a1
outs a1, a1
#define SIZE #128#
f7 0 $SIZE. -7 0 $SIZE. $SIZE.
i 1 0 5
f7 5 $SIZE. -7 0 63 [$SIZE.-1] 63 0
i 1 5 5
f7 10 $SIZE. -7 [$SIZE.-1] 64 1 63 [$SIZE.-1]
i 1 10 5
;Example by Christopher Saunders

Macros even work in our string literal in our GEN 23 f-table! But if you define size as 64 and there isn't a file in your directory named "circularstring-64" Csound will not run your score and give you an error. Here is a link to download power-of-two size ASCII files that create circular matrices for use in this way, and of course, you can design your own stiffness matrix files with Steven Yi's scanned matrix editor.

When using smaller size tables it may be necessary to use interpolation to avoid the artifacts of a small table. scans gives us this option as a fifth optional argument, iorder, detailed in the reference manual and worth experimenting with.

Using the opcodes scanu and scans require that we fill in 22 arguments and create at least 7 f-tables, including at least one external ASCII file (because no one wants to fill in 16,384 arguments to an f-statement). This a very challenging pair of opcodes. The beauty of scanned synthesis is that there is no one scanned synthesis "sound".


However, like this frontier can be a lawless, dangerous place. When experimenting with scanned synthesis parameters, one can illicit extraordinarily loud sounds out of Csound, often by something as simple as a misplaced decimal point.

Warning the following .csd is hot, it produces massively loud amplitude values. Be very cautious about rendering this .csd, I highly recommend rendering to a file instead of real-time, if you must run it.

EXAMPLE 04H09_Scan_extreme_amplitude.csd

-o dac

nchnls = 2
sr = 44100
ksmps = 256
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
ipos ftgen 1, 0, 128 , 10, 1
irate = .007
ifnvel ftgen 6, 0, 128 , -7, 0, 128, 0.1
ifnmass ftgen 2, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
ifnstif ftgen 3, 0, 16384, -23, "string-128"
ifncentr ftgen 4, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 2
ifndamp ftgen 5, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
kmass = 1
kstif = 0.1
kcentr = .01
kdamp = 1
ileft = 0
iright = 1
kpos = 0
kstrngth = 0.
ain = 0
idisp = 1
id = 22
scanu ipos, irate, ifnvel, ifnmass, \
ifnstif, ifncentr, ifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, kcentr, kdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id
kamp = 0dbfs*.2
kfreq = 200
ifn ftgen 7, 0, 128, -5, .001, 128, 128.
a1 scans kamp, kfreq, ifn, id
a1 dcblock2 a1
iatt = .005
idec = 1
islev = 1
irel = 2
aenv adsr iatt, idec, islev, irel
;outs a1*aenv,a1*aenv; Uncomment for speaker destruction;
f8 0 8192 10 1;
i 1 0 5
;Example by Christopher Saunders

The extreme volume of this .csd comes from from a value given to scanu

kdamp = .1

.1 is not exactly a safe value for this argument, in fact, any value above 0 for this argument can cause chaos.

It would take a skilled mathematician to map out safe possible ranges for all the arguments of scanu. I figured out these values through a mix of trial and error and studying other .csd's.

We can use the opcode balance to listen to sine wave (a signal with consistent, safe amplitude) and squash down our extremely loud scanned synth output (which is loud only because of our intentional carelessness.)

EXAMPLE 04H10_Scan_balanced_amplitudes.csd

-o dac

nchnls = 2
sr = 44100
ksmps = 256
0dbfs = 1

instr 1
ipos ftgen 1, 0, 128 , 10, 1
irate = .007
ifnvel   ftgen 6, 0, 128 , -7, 0, 128, 0.1
ifnmass  ftgen 2, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
ifnstif  ftgen 3, 0, 16384, -23, "string-128"
ifncentr ftgen 4, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 2
ifndamp  ftgen 5, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
kmass = 1
kstif = 0.1
kcentr = .01
kdamp = -0.01
ileft = 0
iright = 1
kpos = 0
kstrngth = 0.
ain = 0
idisp = 1
id = 22
scanu ipos, irate, ifnvel, ifnmass, \
ifnstif, ifncentr, ifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, kcentr, kdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id
kamp = 0dbfs*.2
kfreq = 200
ifn ftgen 7, 0, 128, -5, .001, 128, 128.
a1 scans kamp, kfreq, ifn, id
a1 dcblock2 a1
ifnsine ftgen 8, 0, 8192, 10, 1
a2 oscil kamp, kfreq, ifnsine
a1 balance a1, a2
iatt = .005
idec = 1
islev = 1
irel = 2
aenv adsr iatt, idec, islev, irel
outs a1*aenv,a1*aenv
f8 0 8192 10 1;
i 1 0 5
;Example by Christopher Saunders

It must be emphasized that this is merely a safeguard. We still get samples out of range when we run this .csd, but many less than if we had not used balance. It is recommended to use balance if you are doing real-time mapping of k-rate profile scalar arguments for scans; mass stiffness, damping, and centering.


Max Matthews, Bill Verplank, Rob Shaw, Paris Smaragdis, Richard Boulanger, John ffitch, Matthew Gilliard, Matt Ingalls, and Steven Yi all worked to make scanned synthesis usable, stable and openly available to the open-source Csound community. Their contributions are in the reference manual, several academic papers on scanned synthesis and journal articles, and the software that supports the Csound community.

Csounds.com page on Scanned Synthesis


Dr. Richard Boulanger's tutorial on Scanned Synthesis


Steven Yi's Page on experimenting with Scanned Synthesis


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