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XChat: SendingFiles

Sending Files

It is possible to send files to other users via IRC. To do this you need to use the DCC command. DCC means "direct client - client" connection. Essentially it means that you bypass the server and make a connection directly with another user. You can use this command for chatting privately or sending and receiving files.


To send a file to another user you must use the 'dcc' command followed by 'send' the users nickname and the name of the file. For example if I send 'Aco' an image called 'objavi2.gif' then my command would be :

/dcc send Aco objavi2.gif

XChat then displays a pop up :


The other user (Aco) must then accept this file for the transfer to begin.

Its important to note that if you use Linux and the file is already in your home directory then you need only specify the name of the file. If the file is outside the home directory you will have to include the full path. For example if the file 'objavi2.gif' was on my Desktop my command would be (in this case my home directory is for the user 'adam') :

/dcc send Aco /home/ada/Desktop/objavi2.gif


When someone has sent you a file you will get a pop-up file browser with the name of the file listed. Simply choose a place to save the file and an appropriate filename and press 'save'.

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