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Transferring files

To determine the IP address for your XO

In order to transfer files between computers, it is necessary to know the IP address of the receiving computer. To do this in Terminal, make sure you are connected to the Internet by going to the Neighborhood View and clicking the icon for an open network. Wait until the network icon stops blinking and the outline for that icon turns to a white circle.

  1. Launch the Terminal Activity.
  2. Type the following and press enter:
ifconfig | grep "inet addr:"
Ignore the address and look for the IP address for your laptop, on the other line of the result.

To transfer files to and from your XO laptop wirelessly

To upload the file test.py from another computer to the computer running Sugar, such as the XO laptop so that it goes into /home/olpc, type a command in this form on a computer that has the scp program (secure copy) installed:


The scp program encrypts files for transfer so that they cannot be intercepted and read along the way. If your computer has scp, the command

 which scp

 will tell you where it is, probably as /usr/bin/scp.

For example:

scp test.py olpc@

To download the file /home/olpc/xo_test.py from the XO to a local computer, simply reverse the file names and locations like this example:

scp olpc@ ./

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