Anda bisa menggunakan Miro untuk mencari di video-video di World Wide Web yang anda inginkan, even if they are not in existing Miro channels, and you can save your search as a channel.
There are two ways to access Web search in Miro:
Miro searches the video-searching Web sites that it knows about, and lists matching videos in the "Video Search" view. (If you used the lower-left search box, Miro switches to the "Video Search" view, from whatever view it was in when you typed your search.)
In the image below, Miro shows videos that match a search for "Ki Aikido". You can download any video by clicking its thumbnail image.
You can also save your search by clicking "Save This Search as a Channel".
When you do, the search appears as a channel in side bar, with a name based on where you searched, and the words you searched for:
You can search a specific Web site for videos, rather than all sites that Miro knows about.
When using the search box in the lower-left corner of the Miro window:
When using the search box in the "Video Search" view:
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