The ability to type quickly, accurately and without seeing at the keyboard is a huge advantage beside the nature of your work at computer system. Typing is a skill that is used in many career paths, so improving your speed might be a necessity if you want to be more proficient in your job. Having good typing skills is essential in today's society where almost everything is computer based and hence requires typing on a keyboard to input texts and messages frequently. Increasing your typing speed is something that can be done on your own or with proper training, but whatever you decide, learning how to improve typing speed must be ongoing in order to maintain your skill.
Here are some tips that will help you in improving your typing skill:
Other Tips (Basics):
Body Posture:
This is the basic of learning the typing skills. You have to sit straight with a comfortable height of the chair from where you can see to your monitor. Your end of the palm must be grounded to the end of the keyboard or surface where your keyboard is placed. Place your fingers correctly on the keyboard. Never try to type with your fingertips or nails.
1. Place your indexes on 'F' and 'J'.
2. Use same finger all time to type each key.
3. Don't look at the Keyboard, your eyes should always look at the screen.
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