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Manual for typing tutorial with Ktouch

Keys and finger mapping

Each finger rests on a particular key, the home keys (ASDF JKL; ) in the home row of the keyboard when not typing, in order to keep "grounded" and oriented at all times. The thumbs remain in the air, or very gently in contact with the space bar key. Each finger is responsible for a vertical column of keys, which you can think of as a "home column". The column is not straight up and down, but rather slopes up to the left. Both index fingers are responsible for an additional column, the one next to their home columns towards the middle of the keyboard.
The left-hand pinky is also responsible for all the keys to the left of its home column, including the left shift key, caps lock, tab, tilde, escape and others. The right-hand pinky is a real workhorse, covering everything to the right of its home column.

Home row
 Left hand pinky  A
 Left hand ring
 Left hand middle
 Left hand index
 Right hand index
 Right hand middle
 Right hand ring
 Right hand pinky
 Left hand index by releasing F
 Right hand index by releasing J


Keys above home row
 Finger  Key
 Left pinky finger
 Left ring finger
 Left middle finger
 Left index finger
 Left index finger
 Right index finger
 Right index finger
 Right middle finger
 Right ring finger
 Right pinky finger

Keys below home row
 Finger Keys
 Left pinky finger
 Left ring finger
 Left index or Left middle finger
 Left index finger
 Left index finger
 Right index finger
 Right index finger

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