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Example #1: Comparing Major 2nds


A straightforward use for bitDyad is to compare intervals of the same type, such as a Pythagorean, just, and equal-tempered major 2nd.

To begin, choose a reference pitch, such as A440, then select 9/8 from the Set Ratio panel. This is a Pythagorean whole step, the mathematical result of stacking two perfect fifths:

3/2 x 3/2 = 9/4

9/4 x 1/2 [down an octave] = 9/8

The multiplier for a Pythagorean whole step is 1.125, which is 4 cents off from equal temperament. Now, try 8/7 in the Set Ratio panel, which produces a just-tuned whole step. Listen to the difference between these two flavors of major 2nd and compare the combined sonograms.

Finally, select a note on the keyboard two semitones above the reference pitch. This will produce an equal-tempered major 2nd. Can you use the “Manual Tune” bar to move from this ET major 2nd to the just- and Pythagorean-tuned versions? Close your eyes and give it a try.

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