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bitTemper Introduction

A keyboard is an interface that divides the octave into 12 steps. As Professor Dan Trueman discusses in the Kadenze course Reinventing the Piano, it is mathematically impossible to split an octave into twelve evenly-spaced semitones without making choices about how to tune particular intervals, favoring some keys or interval qualities over others. Historically, keyboardists and composers regularly tuned their harpsichords themselves. While constant engagement with the problem of tuning was a necessity for musicians in the Baroque period, the study of tuning continues to have practical implications for musicians today.

bitTemper provides an easy and direct digital means of exploring the craft of tuning. At the heart of bitTemper is the challenge of tuning intervals–as in bitDyad–and applying that process to a keyboard instrument. bitTemper also provides a clear and well-documented look at what specifically delineates one tuning system from another.

For full functionality, bitTemper is designed to be used with a MIDI keyboard. With the bitTemper application open, go to File/MIDI Setup and ensure that your MIDI device is recognized.

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