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Summary of Firefox

Firefox: FireFtp


FireFTP is a Firefox add-on that gives you a free, open source, cross-platform FTP client. If you have access to a Web server and you have an FTP account on that server, then by using FireFTP you can put all your HTML files, podcasts, media files, backup files, or anything you want online. It works on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux;  this is very useful if you ever find yourself on someone else's machine or if you travel and find yourself stranded in an Internet cafe in desperate need of an FTP application. It is free software, the download size is extremely small, and even better — the FireFTP installation process is simple. It's truly a wonderful thing.

Starting FireFTP

To start FireFTP, click Tools>FireFTP.


FireFTP opens in a new window within Firefox:


Although FireFTP opens in a browser as a web page, it is actually a full-featured FTP application. As you use FireFTP, you will appreciate the convenience of its browser-based interface. You can upload files to a website using FireFTP, and then simply click a browser tab and refresh to see the changes in your web page.

The first time you open FireFTP, you see the homepage of the FireFTP web site. From this site, you can access support and developer information. 


Do not donate if you don't want to. FireFTP is absolutely free and a donation to this worthwhile cause is completely optional. 

Sending a file to your server

This section covers how to upload a file to a server, assuming the server does not impose security restrictions beyond authenticating your 'log on' credentials. You need the following information to connect to the server:

  • Host: the domain name or IP address of your web server
  • Login: the user name for the account on the server
  • Password: the password for the account

To obtain the connection information, contact the person or organization, such as your Internet service provider, who created the account for you. You can store this information in FireFTP, so you can access the web server quickly. To store the connection information, click Create an account.


 You see the Account Manager window.


In Account Manager, enter the connection information. In Account Name and in Category, you can type any names you like. If you do not type an account name, FireFTP copies the information you type from the host field to the account name field. After you fill in the fields in Account Manager, the window looks something like this:

Click OK.


After creating an account, click Connect. FireFTP connects to the server, as shown in the log messages in the lower part of the window. Files on the web server appear on the right side of the window. Files on your computer display on the left side of the window.


Transferring files 

You can transfer files from your computer to the server, or from the server to your computer.  Navigate to the files you want to transfer and select the folder on the other side of the window where you want to transfer the files.  

Click the arrow pointing to the right to transfer file from your computer to the server.


Click the arrow pointing to the left to transfer files from the server to your computer. You see that the status of the transfer in the log at the bottom  the window:

That's it. You have transferred your first files from your computer to a web server using FireFTP. You can also transfer entire directories and multiple files.

There has been error in communication with Booktype server. Not sure right now where is the problem.

You should refresh this page.