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Sahana Eden

Data Export

There are many reasons why there may be a need to export data.  Whether it is for sharing data with another application or organization, or whether it involves physically moving data to another Sahana Eden installation such as from a Test to a Production environment. 

Sahana Eden can export data in a variety of data formats, e.g. as spreadsheet (XLS, CSV), PDF, KML and a variety of XML formats. 

Some export formats are limited to specific resources.  For example, hospital records would support EDXL-HAVE export whereas person records would support PFIF export.

Common export formats can be accessed from the icon buttons above the list view. Export the data by clicking on the respective icon.

 Other export formats can be accessed by appending the extension to the URL, e.g.:

For an EDXL-HAVE feed:


For a PFIF feed:


For more details see: Appendix "Web Services".

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