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Sahana Eden

Contributing Code

We welcome contributions to the Sahana Eden code. Before any contributions can be accepted, contributors must sign a Contributor License Agreement to ensure that the code can be provided as open source software. This protects both you as a contributor as well as the Sahana Software Foundation. This can be downloaded at http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/foundation:start#contributor_license_agreement

Sahana Eden code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/flavour/eden which uses the Git distributed version control system.

The bug tracker, which uses Trac, is at http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/report.

Using GitHub

The initial GitHub configuration (1 & 2) is covered in the 'Installing a Developer Environment' chapter.

Commit your code to your local branch (3 & 4):

git commit -a
git commit -a

Before submitting it, you should ensure that it runs with the current version of the 'Trunk' branch (5):

git pull upstream master

You should also rebase it to keep the revision history cleaner and in more logical chunks for review (6):

git rebase -i

Push your code to your GitHub branch (7):

git push

You can then use GitHub to submit a 'Pull Request' to Trunk (8).


People subscribed to Trunk can then review the changes, request any necessary amendments before it can be accepted, and then merge your work into Trunk so that other users can benefit from your work.

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