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PURE DATA Português

PureData: ListofObjects





Vanilla Objects
send 'bang' message
eliminate redundancy in a number stream
store a floating point number
store an integer
format a string with a variable field
part a stream of numbers
combine several atoms into one message
find peaks in an FFT spectrum
print messages to the terminal window
receive messages without patch cords
route messages according to their first element
compare numbers or symbols
send messages without patch cords
pass or block messages
swap two numbers, respecting right-to-left order
store a symbol
sequence messges in right-to-left order and convert data
split a message into atoms
looping mechanism
nonlocal shared value (named variable)
Extended Objects
a2l any2list zexy convert "anythings" to "lists"
-dsp dsp01 jmmmp DSP switch
store and recall any message (like f, or symbol)
active cyclone report if window is active / inactive
add2_comma iemlib add a comma after a message
add2_comma iemlib add a comma after a message
allow maxlib lets only "allowed" floats or symbols through
alternate markex alternate between two outlets
amplitude_n la-kitchen mapping return the amplitude covered by the last n values
any_argument float_argument symbol_argument
initiate internals
any2string string2any iemlib converts ASCII strings to pd messages
Append cyclone append a list to the incoming list
ascii->int float->ascii hcs convert a stream of ASCII digits to a single value
atoi zexy convert ASCII to integer
bangbang cyclone send a number of bangs in order
bfilt cxc
modulo + select 0
bfilt2 cxc
bang filter
bondo cyclone synx a group of messages
bpe iemlib break point envelope
Bucket cyclone pass numbers from outlet to outlet
buddy cyclone sync incoming data, output when all inlets received data
button ggee a bang with a label
change_n la-kitchen returns 0 if the last n datas are the same
choice vanilla/choice search for a best match to an incoming list
coll cyclone store and edit collections of messages
compare-any list-abs test if two anythings are the same
count_n la-kitchen counts from 0 to n-1
counter cxc counter -> NV
counter gem-counter cyclone markex counts the number of bangs received
cup ekext
counts up
cycle cyclone send data to individual outlets
debounce mapping la-kitchen blocks the value of incoming data for the further n samples after ech change
debounce_b la-kitchen blocks the input until a specified duration is over
decide cyclone output 1/0 randomly
Decode cyclone sent out 1/0 to a specific outlet
default iemlib replace initial argument, if it is zero
demultiplex demux zexy demultiplex the input to the specified output
deny maxlib blocks "denyed" floats or symbols
detox jasch_lib extract values, contents, attributes from xml-tag structures
disjoin join mapping split / joina range into two (0-1)
dist maxlib send data to a list of receive objects
dollarg iemlib receive parent initial arguments <list>, like a $n
downsample mapping output 1 over n data
drip zexy unfolds a package to a sequence
dsp dsp~ iemlib control audio, measure dsp load
edge maxlib detect rising or falling edge in floats
entry flatgui
text entry box
env env+ env- mapping normal / positive / megative envelope follower
exp_inc iemlib linear and/or exponential increment counter, bang controlled
f+ jmmmp counter with variable increment
fifo maxlib first in first out buffer for floats
fifop zexy first in first out stack with priorities
float24 iemlib concatenate a list of float-fragment-strings to a 23 bit accurate mantissa
for++ iemlib incremental counter (triggered by internal metro)
forward cyclone send remote messages
fromsymbol tosymbol cyclone transform symbol to numbers or messages and vice versa
ftos ext13
float to symbol
funnel cyclone tag data based on the inlet it arrived in
gate cyclone iemlib send data out the specified output
gcanvas ggee click and drag to get pixel values
glue zexy glue together 2 packates (append, prepend, ...)
grab cyclone intercept the output of another object
hid_one2twohid_one2threehid_one2four hid one-to-x mapping object
hysteresis mapping add hysteresis to input data
iem_anything iemlib latch for anything
iem_append iemlib append a message to any messages
iem_i_route iemlib variation of route (abbr. iiroute)
iem_prepend iemlib prepend a message to any messages
iem_receive iem_r iem_send iem_s iemlib receive object with changeable receive label
iem_route iemlib improvement of route
iem_sel_any iemlib control a message-box with multiple content
ignore maxlib lets information through only when it was present at input longer than N ms
index zexy create a symbol->int map
initialize a message via loadbang (abbr. ii)
iso maxlib queues up lists of pitches and attack points
iter cyclone split a list into a series of numbers
ixprint cxc
print without identifier


kalashnikov uzi ext13
send a specified number of bangs as fast as possible
knob flatgui

last_n la-kitchen mapping save the n last incoming datas into a list
last-x list-abs make a list of the last x floats
lbang jmmmp loadbang which can be triggered more often
length zexy get the length of a list
lifo maxlib last in first out buffer for floats
lifop zexy last-in-first-out stack with priorities
list-abs list-abs apply abs() on floats of a list
list-apply list-abs apply the object created by [arg1 arg2] on every list element
list-clip list-abs clip for lists
list-compare list-abs compare two lists element by element
list-delete list-abs delete element at a position
list-drip list-abs drips or serializes a list
list-drip2 list-abs drips two lists in sync (as long as 1st list lasts)
list-dripslow list-abs serialize a list on demand
list-enumerate list-abs serialize a list and put numbers in front of each element
list-extend list-abs build a list from incoming lists and output stored list
list-fifo list-abs first in, first out
list-filter list-abs returns a sequence of items for which the adjusted operation is true
list-find list-abs find positions of a value in a list
list-idx list-abs get element at position idx
list-insert list-abs insert LIST before ELEMENT at position POS in original list
list-l2s list-abs concatenate a list into a single symbol
list-lastx list-abs make a list of the last x floats
list-len list-abs calculate lenght of a list
list-lifo list-abs last in, first out
list-makefilename list-abs change symbols in a list, floats pass unchanged
list-map list-abs swiss army knife of list operations
list-map2 list-abs map an operation on element pairs from two lists
list-moses list-abs like moses for lists
list-onearg list-abs list with optional aegument
list-reduce list-abs list goes element per element through a user-defined operation
list-replace list-abs replace (overwrite) a list from position POS with a new list
list-rev list-abs reverse a list's order
list-rot list-abs rotate a list
list-seek list-abs walk through a list element by element
list-sieve list-abs look up ocorrence of incoming floats in a list
list-splat list-abs advanced list-split with negative indexes
list2int l2i zexy cast all floats of a list to integers
list2send iemlib convert some kind of lists to a sent message
list2symbol l2s symbol2list s2l zexy convert a list <-> symbol
lister l zexy stores a list
listfifo maxlib first in first out buffer for lists
listfunnel maxlib send values out as list with source index
listmoses ekext
splits two lists according to the values contained within the 1st list
listto mapping separate a list into a stream of atoms
local_max local_min mapping give the value of every local maximum / minimum whenever there is a change in direction
lpt zexy write data to the parallel port
makesymbol zexy concatenate lists to formatted symbols
maskxor ekext exclusive-OR mask map
match cyclone
look for a series of numbers and output as a list
mergefilename iemlib merge a list of symbols and floats to a symbol
modulo_counter iemlib increments counter-number from 0 to max-1 by a bang
multiplex mux zexy multiplex the selected inlet to the outlet
multiselect multisel markex select object which accepts a list in the right inlet
nchange maxlib a "new" [change]
next cyclone try to separate messages into logical parts
niagara zexy divide a package into 2 subpackages
nop zexy
no operation, just pass message through

nroute maxlib rout if Nth element is matched
once iemlib only the first message passes through
onebang cyclone traffic control for bang messages
oneshot markex blocks after initial bang
OSCprepend list-abs prepends first argument to an OSC message list
packel zexy get the nth element of a package
parentdollarzero parent$0 iemlib receives the parent $0 symbol
polymap ekext two-dimensional polyphony-restricted map
polystat ekext outputs statitics about voice usage
pre_inlet iemlib before an incoming message be released to an outlet, a message of 2 items will be sent
prepend cyclone prepend a message with another message
prepend iemlib list prefixer
prepend cxc list prefixer -> NV
prepend_ascii iemlib prepends a message + selector symbol
an identifier
prepent list-abs shortcut for [list prepend]-[list trim]
pwm hcs pulse width modulation at message rate
rec-name jmmmp automatic naming for a record / playback machine
receive13 r13 send13 s13 ext13
like r and s, with set messages
receive2list iemlib convert received message to a list message and then the incoming message
recent ggee output only most „recent“ messages
relay zexy relay messages according to their first element
remote motex send data to any receive object
repack zexy (re)pack atoms to packages of a given size
repeat zexy repeat a message several times
scrolllist unauthorized
displays and scrolls a text in a patch window
segregate zexy
segregate the input to various outlets, depending on the type
sendlocal sl receivelocal rl ggee send messages locally per canvas
serialize cxc ggee turn a stream of floats into a list
sguigot jmmmp spigot with GUI
sieve ekext takes integers and maps them to floats
simile ekext
compare two numbers according to an error window
slider sliderh ggee slider from ggee
sort zexy
shell-sort a list of floats
soundfile_info iemlib show the header data of a wav file
speedlim maxlib_speedlim cyclone iemlib speed limit for incoming messages
spell cyclone convert input to ascii values
split maxlib_split cyclone iemlib look for a range of numbers
split_my_msgs hcs split a strem of messages
split_path hcs like splitfilename
split3 iemlib part a numeric stream into 3 ways
splitfilename iemlib split into path and filename
spray cyclone distribute an integer to a numbered outlet
sprintf cyclone format a message of strings and numbers
sroute list-abs settable route
state ggee saves settings in a patch to a file
strcat markex prepends its text to any symbol that is sent to it
strcmp zexy compare 2 lists as if they were strings
stripfilename iemlib strip the first or last characters of a symbol
strippath ext13
strip a path from a filename
subst motex self-similar substitution/diminution of rows
substitute cyclone substitue a symbol for another symbol in a message
switch cyclone output a message from a specific inlet
sync motex extended trigger object based on sync from jMax
t3_bpe iemlib time-tagged trigger break point envelope
take-two list-abs print all combinations of length 2 without repetition
temperature maxlib output number of input changes in N ms
thresh cyclone combine numbers into a list that are received close together
ticker ggee toggle from ggee
tilt maxlib measure "tilt" of input
toddle ggee bang that routes messages through
TogEdge cyclone report zero / nonzero transitions
toggle_mess iemlib control a message-box with multiple content (abbr. tm)
transf_fader iemlib transforms a slider range
universal cyclone send a message to all instances of the same class in this patch (and subatches if desired)
unroute maxlib merges all inputs into one output and prepend an identifier
unsymbol iemlib convert a symbol to a anything selector
unwonk ggee
unpack which sends unused symbols to the last outlet
Uzi cyclone send a specified number of bangs as fast as possible
zl cyclone multi purpose list processing object

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