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Open Badges

Back Pack

A Backpack is a centralised service where learners can manage their badges. The Backpack is an online platform like OpenBagdes.org1 . Learners register with this service using the same email account they used to earn badges on various sites. When registered with the Backpack the learner can aggregate all the badges they have earned from numerous sites and create publicly accessible pages to display them. 


In this way a Backpack service provides trusted verification of your badge for other interested parties. A future employer (for example) can trust that the learner has earned the badge because:

  1.  The trusted Backpack site - in this case OpenBadges.org - is displaying the badge only after having verified its legitimacy.
  2. The information displayed verifies the issuer details and displays them. Interested parties can visit the issuer pages and double check both the legitimacy of the issuer if necessary and the credentials of the page.
That is what a Backpack service essentially does. Enables learners to aggregate badges from various sites, manage them from one point, and then push these badges to publicly accessible pages for others to see.   
  1. http://beta.openbadges.org/^

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