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NOSI Primer 2012

Appendix 3: Case Studies as Living Library

If you think you have a Case Study that would be great for inclusion in the Primer, don't worry – you don't have to wait until the next edition!  We can take your submission for a case study and include it anytime in the existing edition.

A perfect length for a primer case study is about four to five paragraphs.  As a guideline, it should try to answers the following questions:

  • Who are you?

  • Why is FOSS valuable and beneficial in this context?

  • How does FOSS help you get your work done in a way that proprietary software can't?

  • What challenges have you faced using/implementing FOSS?

If you can highlight interaction with the development community, or if they've modified the software (localized, added features, etc.), that would be good to learn about. 

You can submit a draft case study by (NEED TO INCLUDE DETAILS HERE)

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