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Mobile Security Risks for Activists

How To Use The Mobile Risk Overview

We use pictures/icons in this guide to make it easier for you to follow.  You can also watch this screen cast (LINK) and this slide-show (LINK) that highlights key points.

This icon directs your attention to specific techniques that you can implement yourself to increase your safety as you use a mobile device.


o one security solution is for everyone.  Much depends on your VERY specific situation and your level of exposure.  This icon reminds you to
use your judgement as you consider specific tactics.

Watch out for this icon. There are many areas of vulnerability, both on mobile device and network levels, that you should be aware of. Many of these vulnerabilities are hard to protect against.  Use caution!

 This icon connotes an area where you may need more advanced technical expertise or one that describes a more specific tool that you might want to consider.

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