FLOSS Manuals

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About this book


A few people have really helped us make this book what it is so this book is incomplete without a vote of thanks and a hug of appreciation to them. So , in no specific order:

  • Gunner, from Aspiration (http://www.aspirationtech.org/), inspired and made us all smarter, as did the other teams at the sprint, namely OpenMRS, OpenStreetMap, and Sahana Eden.
  • Nóirín Plunkett  & Belinda Lopez provided amazing writing and editing resources for all of us.
  • Adam from Floss Manuals was endlessly helpful, and the Booki team worked with us on needed functionality and bug-fixing as the week and work went along.

We also thank the KDE community, who provided for us both an atmosphere in which we could grow and thrive as contributors and human beings, but also for providing wonderful documentation from which we could steal with wild abandon.

In particular, Ingo Malchow, Lydia Pintscher, and the KDE-Promo team gave us great help in our time-pinch.

The Team 

This book was first created at a three-day book sprint in October, 2011, at the Googleplex in Mountain View, California. Carol Smith of Google Summer of Code fame got us the needed funding to fly Karan, Supreet, and Rohan from India, and to house and feed us while we worked. Rohan turned 21 during the sprint, and the group celebrated with an X-box party!
Rohan Garg - rohan16garg@gmail.com
Supreet Pal Singh - supreetpal@gmail.com
Karan Pratap Singh - wizard.karan@gmail.com
Valorie Zimmerman - valorie.zimmerman@gmail.com
Andy Oram - andyo@oreilly.com 


KDE team at the Doc Sprint, October 2011 

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