The Spiral Tool is one of the special class of tools that create Live Shapes. With the Spiral tool, shapes of spiral arcs can be drawn.
Call the Spiral Tool with its icon on the Toolbox or by pressing F9 or I.
The spiral drawn with the tool has two handles, one on either end of the shape's path. Clicking and dragging the inner-most handle with the spiral tool will change the interior radius of the arc, and the handle on the outter-most end of the path edits the number of turns of the spiral.
There are four options in the Tool Controls bar which can be used to further manipulate the spiral:
Ctrl drag constrains the rotation angle to 15 degree increments
Shift drag scales the spiral and ;rotates it
Alt drag keeps the radius static while increasing or decreasing the turns around the center
Alt drag vertically adjusts divergence
Alt click resets divergence
Shift click moves the inner handle to the center
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