When you open Firefox for the first time, you see the Mozilla Firefox Start Page with a Google search box. This is the standard Firefox home page.
You can change the home page to show your preferred page or a series of pages. The following procedures explain various ways to do this.
You can set the currently displayed page as the home page by dragging its URL to the Home button. To complete the procedure, follow these steps:
You can set your preferred home page by simply typing the URL. This method works best when you want to set a single home page.
To set a home page by typing the URL, follow these steps:
You can set a home page by copying the URL and pasting it in a Firefox window setting. This method works best when you want to set a single home page.
To set a home page by copying and pasting the URL, follow these steps:
You can set the open page as your home page. If you have a group of pages open, you can set the entire group as home pages.
To set one page or a group as home pages, follow these steps:
To restore the Mozilla Firefox Start Page, follow these steps:
There has been error in communication with Booktype server. Not sure right now where is the problem.
You should refresh this page.