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VLC: PlayHTTPStream

Using VLC to play Streams

Software name: VLC
Software version: 0.8.6

VLC can play just about every format out there. Notably, it is one of the few players across platforms that plays back Ogg streams. Ogg is a free software video format.

Streaming is a way of broadcasting audio and video online, a bit like an online TV or radio. To play streams, follow these quick steps:

With VLC installed, launch the application. You should have something that looks like this on all platforms:

Next, select the Open Network Stream from the File menu:


Now you should see a window that looks something like this:

Let's assume you are going to open an Ogg Theora live stream with an address like:

If this is the case, then you need to enter this information (the stream location) into the interface.

First, select the HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/MMS checkbox:

Then enter the stream address into the Open field:

Finally, press OK, and the stream should begin playback.

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