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Streaming Events

StreamingConferences: Pitivi


Pitivi is a very simple OGG video editor, it lets you make two cuts, one at the beginning and one at the end of the video. This makes it suitable for archiving a video of a streamed event because most people will want to see the whole event without cuts. The down side of using Pitivi  (apart from being very basic) is that you need to install lots of other libraries to get it to run, you also need lots of patience as it sometimes crashes.


Open Pitivi, Drag the video you want to cut in to the top left space. When you can see the video in the top left drag it to the timeline at the bottom of the window.  Press the edit button (on the lower LEFT, on the timeline). This should make the video start playing, watch until you get to the part you want to cut and press cut (on the left side). watch the rest of the video until you get to the end of the video you want to include in your edit, press the cut button (on the lower RIGHT, on the timeline). You will now have one section of video that is ready to render (or save).  

**This needs lots of screen shots**


Remember to render (or save) your work using the same width and height of your intended stream.

Also, save your file with an .ogg at the end, this will save it as an OGG file.

** Use a screen shot instead of this:**

W x 393

H x 288

Frame x 12

Channel: Mono (1) 

Rate: 22 KHz

Depth: 16 bit


Export:    OGG Mixer

Audio:    Vorbis audio encoder

Video:    Theora Video Encoder

Converting Theora to Flash  


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