Provide an introduction to the use of Floss tools as an alternative to MSOffice etc in the administration of small businesses.
Windows/OSX to any Linux distro (ubuntu is the easiest - agreed) - Chapter Operating System
MS Word to Open Office Writer - Chapter Word Processing
Excel to Open OfficeCalc - SpreadSheets
Access to Open OfficeBase - Databases
Powerpoint to Open Office Impress - Presentations
Outlook to Evolution/Thunderbird-Lightning - Communication Contacts & Email + Organisation and Scheduling
Publisher to Scribus - Desktop Publishing
photoshop to gimp - Editing those Business Photos
illustrator to inkscape - Creating Logos and Illustrations
MYOB / Quickbooks to Gnucash / SQL Ledger / PostBooks - Basic Business Finance
Note: There are many Free Finance / Business Management Packages and the above listed software cover the more basic of finance packages like those that would be used in a Small Business. Focus on the basic tools, but mention the wider range of Enterprise software available.
crm - civicrm (for non-profits) - can sometimes be adapted for commercial situations. (have added to finance section as crm is a part of many professional finance packages both Free and Proprietary.) - Customer Resource Management
Backup Software ?? to ??(rsync?) - Backing up your work
Antivirus/Spyware Software Norton to ClamWin/Winpooch (win), is one necessary for Linux??
I have decided to keep an anti-virus section in as I anticipate that there will be many people who are happy to try FLOSS alternatives to all the software, but can't bring themselves to abandon Windows just yet. - Virus Scanning / Spyware Protection
VPN? - (Open VPN?) - Virtual Private Networks
PGP? - (GnuPG?) - File Encryption
Browsing - Firefox - Web Browsing
Email - Evolution/Thunderbird - Communication Contacts and Email
Webdesign - Nvu - Website Design
ftp - fireftp - Transferring Files
CMS - Drupal - Updating Your Website
Email - Evolution/Thunderbird - Communication Contacts and Email -
Messaging - Pidgin - Instant Messaging
VOIP - Ekiga Softphone - Voice and Video Communication
The above list is by no means exhaustive and the software titles can vary - the theme of the manual is more about the concept of using a Floss alternative to Proprietary software rather than promoting a specific software or explaining a specific software (that will come later).
Each area or tool will include:
- What this type of software does
- Why convert to Floss alternative
- Tips for converting
- Testimonials from businesses.
- (any other ideas are welcome!)
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