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Secure My Video Guide


The Secure My Video Guide grew from a one day sprint, hosted by EngageMedia, held in Jakarta on 27 July 2011. Where possible information gathered during the sprint has been reviewed, cross-referenced, re-drafted and added to the most appropriate issues and solutions. Where possible, the guide provides known issues and recommendations for how best to deal with them. In other instances the guide points to where additional research is required, or where outstanding questions may best be answered.

Video surveillance sign, Tallinn, Sweden
(Photo by Hans Põldoja, CC BY)

We did not set out to provide answers to all the questions raised nor provide a comprehensive response to the issues videographers face. What we did achieve, however, is a contribution towards the work being done by groups such as WITNESS and Tactical Tech, specifically noting the issues faces by video activists in Indonesia.

What was clear from this process was the need for more training, more conciousness raising to the issues raised throughout this guide. There is a paucity of security and media literacy knowledge in Indonesia, there is even less access to the skills to secure video from inception through to distribution and archiving.

As an open work-in-progress we encourage the ongoing development through review and contributions from our networks, friends and colleagues of the Secure My Video Guide

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