FLOSS Manuals

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In this book, we do not expect you to have previous experience with layout or computer graphics in general. To be sure, practical experience in visual arts (photography, drawing, and so on), or with commercial printing will undoubtedly help you to make beautiful things as well as understand various technical issues, but nonetheless all that is not necessary in order to learn to use Scribus.

However, in order to best make use of this manual and allow for the greatest ease of working, use a mouse with at least two buttons and a scrollwheel (avoid using a trackpad such as many laptops have), and a good, comfortable keyboard. This will allow you to work with one hand on the mouse and the other on the keyboard. This combination will frequently allow for the greatest precision as you work.

Beyond this, you may benefit from learning some keyboard shortcuts. This manual will only rarely refer to shortcuts, but primarily direct your attention to various menus. Yet, if you will pay close attention to various menu items you will see notations about keyboard shortcuts for various tasks, to the right of the command name. Using at least some of these can easily speed up your work.

Otherwise, you should be reasonably capable with usage of a modern computer, which includes, in addition to applying keyboard shortcuts, knowing something about using file dialogs ("Open", "Save", "Save As", and so on), using the internet, as well as mouse usage. Regarding this last item, it is strongly advised to have a two-button mouse with a scrollwheel. Using a trackpad, such as many laptops have, will almost certainly result in extreme frustration, because precise positioning and movements are basic requirements for the use of a DTP program.

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