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Open Badges

Finding more information

One of the key issues I found when trying to discover more about the project is that the documentation is dispersed and conflicting.

So, the docs you want are these:

  1. http://openbadges.org/ - primary place to go for a light introduction into what the project is trying to achieve. Does not give much detail but communicates the essential point.
  2. https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges/wiki and https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges/wiki/_pages - this wiki seems to be the best place to find technical and some functional documentation. Of particular interest are the documents about the assertion system since earlier documentation on the mozilla site conflicts significantly with the information in the wiki. The information in the github wiki is the latest and most accurate.
  3. https://wiki.mozilla.org/Badges - good list of points to get more information including irc channels, mailing lists etc

There are some pages you should avoid notably  https://wiki.mozilla.org/Badges/infrastructure-tech-docs since it is out of date and misleading.


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