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EdLab Project: Create an app to help refugee community groups create websites

EdLab Project: Create an app to help refugee community groups create websites

In these times of mass migration and refugee crisis, the web is being used as a key tool to mobilise support and spread helpful information. Mobile devices are being used more and more as the tool to share information and access learning. Our challenge is to work with an existing course to take advantage of the web and mobiles.

Community Arts North West have a strong track record of supporting refugee groups and individuals through their Exodus programmes. We will work with CAN to create resources for refugee groups on how to create  community or campaign websites.

CAN run a course to support community groups called Community SpirIT. Community SpirIT is a free introductory digital-media training course run by Community Arts North West aimed at community leaders.

Students will have the opportunity to attend parts of the course and to observe the training in progress. They will work with the course leaders to evaluate how to best take this learning and make it available as a resource to create campaign and community website for refugee groups.

<!–more–> Students will be involved in a collaborative planning process to map out the skills and resources needed to deliver the course. They will then be supported to create the course and deliver it in a way that is most accessible for the target group. This should be:

  • be written in a friendly & accessible way
  • have a focus on why create, as well as how to create a website
  • available as paper print outs
  • viewable on mobile phones and tablets online and offline
  • easily translatable to other languages

Please fill out the online form here to get involved.


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