Can you Imagine the gears turning in your mind as you read this? Try to imagine little gear's cogs meshing with a big gear's cogs. What does that look like? You can Invent your own system of gears. Inspire your classmates with your knowledge of gears.
text, book, buttons, test , Start Script, Stop Script, turn by, color sees
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Ratios are important in studying gears. The teeth of one gear fit into the teeth of another gear. When one gear turns the other gear turns as well. Your students can explore what happens when the gears have different numbers of teeth. Ratios are often used to make comparisons.
To start, they should
To change the speed of the gears, they click on the Gear Speed number at the upper right of the Gear Test Area. It will be highlighted in darker green. Then type the new speed and press enter. You can also use the up and down arrows to change the gear speed. Have students set up a ratio to compare the number of teeth on the smaller gear to the number on the larger gear. Then they should:
They should repeat their experiment with other sets of two gears. There are six possibilities. Have them can list them. To do this methodically, they should start with the blue gear and list all combinations with it, then green and then red. You can give them this hint if they are stuck. Then they should record your results for the other five sets of gears.
Have them organize their data in a table to help them see relationships between the data for different gear sets. Ask them to ponder the following questions:
Have your students try three gears, they will notice that one of the gears may turn the wrong way. Note that there are four different combinations of three gears. Have them try to write them down the combinations and test all the possibilities. Have them see if the can fix the problem by looking at my script. They can see my script by clicking the bottom yellow viewer tab at the upper right and dragging the "TestArea run" tile out onto the workspace. Challenge them to struggle to redesign the script to make all the gears always turn the correct direction.This will require more tests.
Have your students
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